Tuesday, July 1, 2014

When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine - Venice Part 3

On Friday, I took it easy as the public transport boats were on strike  (I'm really good at finding strikes!). I woke up late, took a leisurely walk to St Mark's square for breakfast and did some touristy stuff on the square:

Bridge right by hotel, with the morning tourist traffic

St Mark's Basilica - amazing church (no pictures allowed though).  I went to both the treasury and to see the relics that are associated with St Mark (supposedly his bones). The gold leaf plating was the best part - the entire ceiling is covered in gold, making it look like a scene from Harry Potter in the Gringott's vaults.  I feel silly just typing that, but to be honest, a church should never be that ornate...that's the Luther coming out in me.  That church could feed a small country for years. 

The paintings on the outside were amazing

Line wasn't too bad either - RS prepared me for much worse.

After that, it was off to the Doge's Palace.  Also no pictures allowed on the inside, but the inside was chalk full of Venetian art, sculptures, etc.  The Doge was like the king of the region, controlling the port and taxes, but he was also elected, so everything seemed a bit more fair.  In general, I'm sure it had it's general Italian political corruption issues, but for the time was pretty revolutionary and peaceful.

View from the Doge's palace toward my hotel.

Another photo of the interior courtyard, including St Mark's in the background

View from inside the Bridge of Sighs - I posted a photo in my last blog of it lit at night - this is from one of the holes in the bridge.  The bridge led to the prison attached to the Doge's Palace (for his enemies).  It was not pretty inside - pretty gloomy passage into jail.  

After that, it was just some wandering around in the rain (Venice in the rain is the best - seriously, I loved it).  I went shopping for a Ferrari....

And stopped to admire the couples in love on their gondola rides in the rain

Listened to some accordion music and serenade

Then paused to break on St Mark's square with a book.  All in all, a great day, made even better by some light rain and people watching.

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